Community health is a major field of study within the medical and clinical sciences which focuses on the maintenance, protection and improvement of the health status of population groups and communities as opposed to the health of individual patients. It is a distinct field of study that may be taught within a separate school of public health or environmental health. It is a discipline which concerns itself with the study and improvement of the health characteristics of biological communities. While the term community can be broadly defined, community health tends to focus on geographical areas rather than people with shared characteristics. The health characteristics of a community are often examined using geographic information system (GIS) software and public health datasets. Some projects, such as InfoShare or GEOPROJ combine GIS with existing datasets, allowing the general public to examine the characteristics of any given community in participating countries. Because 'health III' (broadly defined as well-being) is influenced by a wide array of socio-demographic characteristics, relevant variables range from the proportion of residents of a given age group to the overall life expectancy of the neighborhood/community. Medical interventions aimed at improving the health of a community range from improving access to medical care to public health communications campaigns. Recent research efforts have focused on how the built environment and socio-economic status affect health.
To produce quality medical graduates in modern medicine who will be well-versed and equipped with knowledge, skill and attitude to combat the various health problems faced by the peoples of various strata.
The medical graduates of tomorrow must be able to tackle the challenges faced by the people and to improve the various health indicators at par with developed nations of the world. So that we shall be able to produce quality citizens who can lead a happy productive, independent and disciplined life and can have a share in building a self reliant and vibrant nation.
The department is having two separate wings
2) Peripheral Wing UHTC, RHTC & Three Primary Health Centers.
Activities in the Central wing
Activities under peripheral wing
It’s directed towards achieving the Institute’s Goal.
Integrated Problem based
Multidisciplinary in its approach.
Experiential learning to be encouraged both inside and outside the
class room
o Field experience in PHC settings
o Communities to become ‘laboratories” for skill learning
o Multiple learning experiences e.g. case studies, project work,
o exposure to role models, role play; workshops, seminars etc. should
be used.
Educational resources
• Working with people and their problems as the rich source of resource
• Physical facilities in class room, field settings and clinical encounters
• Information technology facilities and related technical resources
• Expertise in pedagogy and adult learning
The community medicine curriculum is taught throughout the undergraduate period, including the internship incorporating both vertical and horizontal integration.
Curriculum Outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be
1. Explain the principles of sociology and identify social factors related to
Health, disease and disability and appreciate the role of the individual, family and Community in health and disease
2. Observe and interpret the dynamics of community behavior
3. Observe the principles and practice of medicine in hospital and community setting.
4. Describe the health care delivery system including rehabilitation of the disabled
in the Country
5. Describe the National Health Programs under National Health Mission
6. List epidemiological methods and describe their application to control and prevention of diseases and health events in the community
7. Describe the steps of outbreak investigation and its application
8. Apply methods of biostatistics and techniques in management of Health
9. Outline demographic pattern of the Country and its relation to Health
10. Describe methods of collection of vital statistics and its application in planning
and implementation of health care delivery
11. Describe issues in environmental health including water, basic sanitation and
environmental hazards
12. Impact of climate change on Health
13. Describe occupational hazards and diseases in various work setting, home and community – its control and prevention, prevention, Law and Safety measures
14. Describe maternal and child health problems
15. Understand basic and applied nutrition; assess nutritional status of the community
16. Diagnose and manage nutritional health problem
17. Describe School health Problem
18. Describe National Health Programs, Policies of the Country
19. Describe management information system, principles of health education and
behavior change communication
20. Describe disaster management and steps to control its impact on Health
21. Describe methods of biomedical waste management
22. Describe the planning and health management
23. Describe levels of health care and functions of health facilities at all levels under health care delivery system
24. Describe the role of PPP, NGO and International Health Agencies
25. Describe Millennium Development Goals
At the end of the course the student will be able to‐
1. Identify common ailments and manage them with ethical, humane and
Empathetic approach
2. Use tools of epidemiology in decision making relevant to Community and
Individual patient intervention
3. Able to interpret data for action at his or her level
4. Able to apply the principle of epidemiology in outbreak investigation and
management of communicable and non-communicable disease
5. Able to monitor, evaluate and supervise national health programs
6. Able to manage human resources adequately.
7. Skilled in material management.
8. Plan, organize and implement various health program including health
education using available resources
9. Able to involve community in various programs
10. Able to interact with workers of different sectors to enable inter sectoral
11. Able to become a successful team leader, communicator, health advocate,
manager, scientist, educator, community physician and a person
12. Able in applying Communication skill and ethical practice
Total teaching Hours= 290hours [Lecture/Demonstration/Practical/Tutorial]
+ 12 weeks Clinical/Field Posting [Survey/Presentation/Talk
1st semester 20wksx 1hr =20hrs
2nd semester16wksx 1hr =16hrs
3rd semester 18wksx 2hr =36hrs
4th semester 18wks x 2hr =36hrs
5th semester 9wks x 2hr =18hrs
6th semester 18wks x 2hr =36hrs
7th semester 9wks x 2hr =18hrs
Total…………………………. =144hrs
1st semester ……. =0hrs
2nd semester …….. =0hrs
3rd semester 18wksx 1hr =18hrs
4th semester 18wks x 1hr =18hrs
5th semester 9wks x 1hr =9hrs
6th semester 18wks x 2hr =36hrs
7th semester 9wks x 2hr =18hrs
Total…………………………. =99hrs
Tutorial /group discussion/demonstration
1st semester 20wksx 1hr =20hrs
2nd semester 16wks x 1hr =16hrs
3rd semester 18wksx ½ hr =9hrs
4th semester 18wks x 1hr =18hrs
5th semester 9wks x 1hr =9hrs
6th semester 18wks x 1hr =18hrs
7th semester 9wks x 1hr =9hrs
Total………………………… =99hrs
Integrated teaching
7th to 9th semester x 15hrs =15hrs
Sum total
Theory ……….. =144hrs
Practical ……….. =99hrs
Tutorial/Gd ………. =99hrs
Int.tchng. ……….. =15hrs
Grand total ………. =357hrs
MCI norm ………… =60hrs (I‐PMB)+ 200=360 hrs
Clinical posting
3rd semester x3hrs/day =4wks
4th‐5th semester x3hrs/day =4wks
6th ‐7th semester x3hrs/day =6wks
Total …………………….. =14wks
MCI norm …………….. =14wks
First Semester:
Chapter‐I Social Sciences and Health
Theory 18 hours
1. Introduction to Humanities, Preventive Medicine, 1hr
Public Health, Community Medicine
2. Definition of Society, community, family etc.
3. Cultural factors influencing health and disease in urban, rural and slum settings. 2hr
4. Impact of urbanization in health and disease 2hr
5. Social organization and community participation. 2hr
6. Measurement of socioeconomic status and its Importance in health and disease 1hr
7. Interview techniques and questionnaire 2hr
8. Method social research in relation to health 1hr
9. Definition, scope, method & branches of Psychology. 1hr
10. Social Psychology 2hr
11. Factors affecting behavior and attitudes 1hr
12. Method to change attitude and behavior. 1hr
Field Visit+ Role Play: 12 hours
1. Anganwadi center,Sub‐center,Primary Health center:
Structure, Function, community participation, Interview techniques 10 hrs
2. Doctor patient relationship ( Role Play)
Second Semester:
Chapter‐I Social Sciences and Health
Theory: 10 hours
1. Interpersonal relationship
2. Role and role conflict.
3. Communication skill
4. Need of counseling in various situations
5. Group dynamics. 2hr
6. Introduction to medical ethics, professional etiquettes
7. Health education‐definition, principles, methods
IEC strategy,
Field visit:
5 visits x 2 hours
20 hours
District HQ, Medical College: structure and function,
Example of health education
3rd Semester:
Chapter‐II No of classes
Concepts of Health & Disease (6 hrs)
Must know
1. Concept of health and well being
2. Concepts of disease /Causation/ Natural history of disease.
Risk factors,
3 Concepts of control
4. Changing pattern of disease.
5. Concepts of community diagnosis & treatment.
6. Disease classification
Desirable to know:
1. Evolution of Public Health
2. Art of Medicine
3. Hygiene
4. History of Public Health
5. ICD‐10 and ICD‐11
Environmental Health 5hours
1. Water: Concepts of safe and wholesome water, sanitary sources of water,
waterborne diseases, water purification processes. 2hrs
2. Concepts of solid waste and human excreta and sewage disposal.
3. Awareness of standards of housing and the effect of housing on health.
Chapter‐IV No of classes
Must know
Health Care Delivery (7hrs)
1. Primary health care, Health for all
2. Health care delivery: health problem and resources
3. Primary health care in India
5. Health programs in India
Desirable to know:
1. Voluntary health Agencies in India
2. Central Government Health Services Scheme
3. International Health Agencies
Chapter‐ V
Occupational Health
No of classes
Must know
1. Working environment /Hazards/Diseases
2. Pneumoconiosis 2hr
3. Lead poisoning/Occupational Cancer/Dermatitis
4. Other occupational problems/diseases
5. Protection and prevention of occupational diseases
6. Factory Act/ ESI/ Occupational health in India
Desirable to know:
Chapter‐ VI.
No of classes
Nutrition and Health
8 hours
Must know
1. Concept/ Classification of food 1hr
2. Micronutrients: Vitamins/Mineral
3. Common nutrition related health disorders
(PEM,VAD,Fluorosis,Anemia) 3hr
4. Nutritional assessment /survey
5. Nutritional surveillance, education and rehabilitation.
6. National Nutritional Programs. 1hr
Desirable to know:
1. Social and cultural factors in nutrition and health
2. National Nutrition policy
3. Food Security
4. Forborne disease
18 classes
1. Dimensions and determinants of health
2. Spectrum of disease, Ice berg phenomenon
4. Biomedical waste management
5. Community development, primary health care,
6. Millennium Development Goals
7. National and International health agencies
8. Food fortification, additives and adulteration, food hygiene
9. Nutritional requirements at different periods of life (RDA)
10. WHO Growth Chart
11. Dietary guidelines
4th Semester:
Theory‐ 36 classes
12 hours
1. Epidemiology: definition and concepts and approach.
2. Measurements: Rates and Ratio
3. Descriptive Epidemiology
4. Case control study
5. Cohort study 1hr
6. Experimental epidemiology 2hr
7. Diseases transmission: Dynamics and mode
8 Outbreak Investigation 1hr
9. Uses of epidemiology and its role in health and disease
10. Screening for disease 1hr
Chapter‐VIII No of classes
Genetics and health
Must know
1. Common Genetic disorders 2hrs
2. Population genetics and prevention 2hrs
Desirable to know
1. Molecular genetics
2. Human Genome Project
3. Gene Therapy
4. Ethical issues in Genomics
Mental Health, Hospital Waste Management, Disaster Management
05 hours
1. Epidemiology 1hr
2. Alcoholism and Drug dependence
3. Hospital Waste management 1hr
4. Disaster management 2hr
Biostatistics(to be covered in Practical)
Demography and family planning
04 hours
1. Demographic cycle 1
2. Demographic trends 1
3. Family Planning/Welfare
4. Contraception 1
Chapter‐XI No of classes
Health Of School Children, Adolescents And Elderly
1. School health program 2
2. Adolescent Health
3. Life style and healthy ageing 1
No of classes
Epidemiology of communicable diseases
07 classes
1. Smallpox/Chickenpox 1
2. Measles 1
3. Mumps/Rubella 1
4. Meningococcal meningitis
5. Cholera 1
6. Viral Hepatitis 2
Practical: 18 classes
1. Rate, Ratio/Standardization
2. Incidence and Prevalence
3. Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
4. Epidemic curve Vaccines.
5. Contraceptives
6. Water Analysis
Tutorial 18 classes
1. Dynamics of disease transmission
2. Modes of transmission and measures for prevention
3. Disease prevention/ control/Surveillance/Disinfection
4. Population Pyramid
5. Problems of the elderly
6 National Population policy
7 Food poisononing
8 Soil transmitted Helminthiasis
9 Zoonosis
10 Leptospirosis
11 Yaws
12 Parasitic Zoonosis
5th Semester: 18 classes
Chapter‐XIII No of classes
Health planning and management
Must know
1. Planning cycle 1hr
2. Health management 2hrs
3. Health planning in India 2hrs
4. Evaluation of Health Services 1hr
Desirable to know:
1. Pareto Analysis
2. SWOT Analysis
3. Performance Appraisal
4. Supportive Supervision
Chapter‐XII (Contd)
08 Hours
Communicable diseases
1. Typhoid 2
2. Diarrhoeal diseases
3. Filariasis 1
4. Japanese Encephalitis 1
5. Plague 1
6. Rabies 2
7. Tetanus
Non communicable diseases
04 classes
1. CHD 1
2. Hypertension 1
3. Stroke 1
4. Rheumatic Heart Disease
Practical 9 classes
1. Project proposal
2. Micro Plan
3. Spotting
4. Demonstration
Tutorial 9 classes
1. Yellow Fever
2. Arboviral Infection
3. Nosocomial Infection
4. Anthrax
5. Dracunculiasis
6. Leishmaniasis
7. Features of chronic diseases
6th semester :
Chapter‐XIII (Continued)
No of classes
Epidemiology of communicable diseases
1. Influenza/Swine flu 2
2. TB 4
3. Polio 3
4. Malaria 3
5. Dengue /chickengunea 2
6. Leprosy 3
Chapter‐XIV(Contd). No of classes
Epidemiology of non‐communicable diseases
07 hours
Must know
1. Diabetes 1
2. Obesity 1
3. Cancer 3
3. Road Traffic Accident 1
4. Blindness 1
No of classes
Must know
12 hours
Reproductive and child health
1. Maternal Health 1hr
2. Morbidity and mortality 1
3. Causal factors 1
4. Reproductive and Child Health 2
5. Antenatal, natal and post natal care 2
6. Essential and emergency obstetrics care
7. Newborn care 2
7. Child health: Morbidity and mortality ‐ causes and factors 1
Desirable to know
1. PNDT Act,
2. SHG
Practical 18 classes
1. Fertility Indicators
2. RCH Indicator
3. TB Indicators
4. Leprosy Indicators
5. Malaria Indicator
6. Child health Indicator
7. RI Micro Plan
8. Problem solving exercises
9. Epidemic Curve
1. Infant feeding
2. Growth monitoring and promotion
3. JSY
4. ,VHND,
5. JSSK,
7. ASHA,
9. Trachoma
10. Drug resistance
11. Elimination foci of Malaria
12. Roll back Malaria
Clinical Posting‐ UHC
Family Study‐II: Clinical Social Case studies on ANC, PNC. Medical Termination of
Pregnancy case, Protein‐Energy Malnutrition
7th Semester: 18 classes
Chapter‐XIII (Contd)
1. STD/HIV 4
2. Emerging & re‐emerging diseases
3. Leading health problems in India
4. Leading health problems in state
5. Revision 10
Tutorial: 18 classes
1. Smoking and alcohol related disorders
2. Drug abuse
3. Modern epidemics
4. Approach to answer questions
5. Viva examination
6. Spotting
7. Problem solving exercises
8. Statistic problems
9. Family study
Practical : 18 classes
1. Biostatistics
2. Health Education
3. Spotting
4. Revision
List of Teaching and non teaching staff.
SNo. |
Name |
Designation |
01. |
Dr. Pradeep Sukla |
HOD & Professor |
02. |
Dr. Manmohan Gupta |
Associate Professor |
03. |
Dr. Satyendra Prasad Singh |
Assistant Professor (Statistics |
04. |
Dr. Avinash Borkar |
Assistant Professor |
05. |
Dr. Namita Deshmukh |
Assistant Professor |
06. |
Dr. Suyesh Srivastva |
Assistant Professor |
07. |
Dr.Sarat Chandra Nag |
Assistant Professor |
08. |
Dr. Vijay Deodiar |
Demonstrator |
09. |
Dr. Sunil Kumar Mishra |
Demonstrator |
10. |
Dr. Kanti Sahur |
Statistician |
11. |
Dr. Roopa Jha |
L.M.O |
List of Non teaching staff.
SNo. |
Name |
Designation |
01. |
Mr. Kripasagar Painkra |
Biochemist |
02. |
Mr.Dhaneshwari Singhn |
Lab Technician |
03. |
Mrs. Rama patel |
Lab Technician |
04. |
Miss. Poonam Kurrey |
Lab Technician |
05. |
Mr.Bisahu Ram Sahu |
Lab Technician |
06. |
Mrs. Divya Bharti Jangde |
Lab Technician |
P. Sukla, Saurabh Srivastava, Prateek Srivastava, NL Rao. “Assessment of the cardiac autonomic neuropathy among the known diabetics and age-matched controls using noninvasive cardiovascular reflex tests in South-Indian population: A case –control study” Avicenna
1 |
41st Annual National Conference of IAPSM |
Department of Community Medicine, Agartala Government Medical College, Agartala (Tripura) |
6th – 8th February, 2014 |
A study of trends of mortality among women in a tertiary care hospital of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. |
2 |
4th South-Central Zone and 14th MP State Chapter Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine |
Pachmari (Madhya Pradesh) |
13th – 14th December, 2013 |
Study of Anaemia in Rural Health Training Centre |
3 |
Golden Jubilee National Conference on |
School of Studies in Statistics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) |
15th – 17th November, 2013 |
A study of trends of mortality among women in a tertiary care hospital of Bhopal, Madhya |
S.P. Singh et al [2012], “Schedulability Test for Soft Real-Time Systems under Multi-processor Environment by using an Earliest Dead-line First Scheduling Algorithm” in International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 46, No. 7, page no. 29 –38 having ISSN 0975.
S.P. Singh et al [2011], “An Algorithm to Reduce the Time Complexity of Earliest Deadline First Scheduling in Real-time System” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (FJACSA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2011, page No. 31 -36 having ISSN 2158.
S.P. Singh et al [2011], “A different Techniques for Gene Selection and Classification of Gene expression Data”, in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, page no. 15 – 24 having ISSN 9150.
Satyendra Prasad Singh and S. K. Singh, [2010], “Reliability analysis of the wirerod mill system of an integrated steel plant”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010 Page No. 61 – 70 having ISSN 9150.