Citizen Charter

Dear citizen,
You are welcome to Late Shri Lakhiram Agrawal Memorial Govt. Medical Collage Raigarh (Hereinafter Referred to as GMC Raigarh), the premier Medical Institute of Chhattisgarh. GMC Raigarh is committed to provide quality services and medical care to each and every citizen coming to Associated KGH hospital Raigarh. In line with our mandate. We, at GMC Raigarh, strive hard to provide comprehensive, high quality tertiary care services (specialtyservices) to our users.
However, there may be some deficiencies due to New Setup and limited resources.

This charter seeks to provide a frame work, which enables our users to know:

  • The services available in the hospital.
  • The quality of services they are entitled to and the means through which complaints regarding denial or poor quality of services will be redressed.


    • GMC Raigarh Hospital is located at Vill. Bendrachua adjacent to Raigarh city ( About 3 Km towards Ektal Road ), in Raigarh District of C.G. .


    • At Present the District hospital is utilised as Teaching hospital having total beds strength of 350. Our newly constructed hospitalis likely to be commissioned by the end of August 2017 with 650 General Beds, Emergency wards & Trauma centre with Well-equipped ICU & ICCU and 13 Modular operation theatreswith all speciality and Physical medicine & rehabilitation as an optional department .
    • Presently there are more than 200 doctors (incl. Faculty members& residents) and 250 Nurses& host of paramedics.


    • Telephone Nos of Central Enquiry 07762 220741, 220742, 220743
    • Enquiry counters & help desks also exist in the OPD at various locations where one can enquire and seek help in case of any problem. Besides, there are Smart Card Services located in Room No. 18, Ground Floor, OPD, where MSSO/Social Guides are available for any help.
    • Website -

    GMC RaigarhHelplines :
    • Emergency Services numbers 07762-224780 operates round the clock

    • It is located in Room No. 34, Ground floor, of Associate KGH Hospital ,Raigarh
    • Control Room functions round the clock, under the Dept. of Hospital Administration and managed by Duty Officers, who deal with any administrative problem, provide assistance and listen to public grievances with regard to patient care.

    GMC Raigarh Outreach OPD, Rambhata, Loing :
    • A new campus of GMC Raigarh is upcoming at Bendrachua, near main college building is going to start From August 2017.

    Help for Poor Patients :

    • For very poor patients, on recommendation of treating Doctor, the hospital charges may be waived off by Medical Superintendent or his nominee and costly drugs / surgical items may be provided by the hospital. Financial assistance is also available through MukhyaMantri Sahatyakosh,MukhyaMantri BalHridayYogna and
      also treatments are available under RSBY, NRC & Smart card & other such funds. You may contact MSW & Even Medical Superintendent in this regard.

  •   Phone Number for Emergency :- 07762-224780 ( round the clock)

  •   Location :-It is located in Room No. 12, Ground floor, of AssociatedKGH Hospital ,Raigarh

  •   These services are available 24 hour a day, throughout the year.

  •   Anyone with urgent medical problem can seek consultation/treatment in the Emergency.

  •    If Doctors decide that you need urgent medical intervention, you will be registered at the Emergency registration counter, free of charge and proper medical care will    be provided promptly.

  •   Emergency has dedicated team of Senior Residents from major specialties (i.e.Emergency Medicine, Surgery,Obstraetics&Gynaenicand Paediatrics) and Junior    &Residents, Nurses, Paramedics and Hospital Attendants etc. to provide urgent medical services.

  •   We endeavour to provide medical care (incl. Investigation & treatment) at the earliest possible time.

  •   However, in view of extreme workload in Emergency (more than 150 patients seek consultation per day) those cases that are not so urgent may have to wait for some   time.

  •   The treating doctors will call any specialist/super-specialist, who is available on call for urgent consultation as and when required.

  •   In serious cases treatment/management gets priority over paper work like Registration/Medico- Legal requirements.

  •   Emergency has fully equipped Operation Theatre for any urgent surgery etc.

  •   The Emergency is fully equipped with all modern gadgets like monitors, ventilators, nebulisers, defibrillators, central O2 and suction supply etc.

  •   All urgent investigations like Hemogram,BloodBiochemistry, Blood Gas Analysis, ECG, USG, X-ray, C.T. Scan, etc. are available for casualty patients round the clock.

  •   All medicines and surgical items available in Emergency are provided free of cost.

  •   For any guidance/ assistance including financial help for poor and indigent patients, Social Guides and Medico Social workers are available at the entrance of Emergency   should be approached.

  •   Facilities like patient trolleys, crash cart are available at the entrance of Emergency.

  •   Public utilities are available near the emergency.

  •  OPD Schedule   9AM TO 2PM

      Location  -
    • Old OPD Wing
    • The OPD services are available for medicine, paediatrics .O&G, E&T, Skin & VD, Chest & TB & psychiatry are situated in old OPD Wing Near OPD registration counters .

    • New OPD Wing
    The OPD services are available for General Surgery, paediatrics surgery &orthopaedic including minor OT & plaster Room. Near the Office of Medical Superintendent.
    General OPD
    9:00 AM TO 02:00 PM

  •   OPD Card costing Rs. 10/- can be purchased from main counter, OPD ground floor. After this, you should get yourself registered at the counter of respective OPDs.

  •   Patients are seen on first come first serve basis. However, out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency or to senior citizens.

  •   Super Speciality Services:- following Centres provide these services-
  •   o Paediatrics surgery

  •   Investigations: After OPD consultation, the treating doctor will fill up the requisition forms for various investigations & direct/guide you to the concerned lab /dept.
  •   o Sample collection centre for Blood, Urine, and Stool etc. in central Lab, Near Blood Bank.

      o Sample Collection Timings are: - 9:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

      o Certain specialized investigations are done on particular days only.

      o The report normally reaches the concerned OPD on the next OPD day.

      o Certain investigations are done free of charge while others are charged as per the prevailing norms fixed by Government. Patients should Deposit the money only at the   designated hospital Cash Counters and obtain the proper receipt.

      o Due to excess work load, waiting period exists for certain investigations like CT, USG etc. Patients are given future dates by the concerned departments. However, these may be    done out of turn in urgent situations, on recommendation of the treating doctor.

  •    Many facilities are provided at OPD level e.g. ECG, Plaster, Injection and Immunization Room, Contraception and MTP Services, Minor Surgical Intervention,
  •   Physiotherapy, etc.

  •    Medical fitness / Medical examination and other such certificates are issued after paying the requisite fees on every Wednesday of week. For this purpose contact the
  •    central registration office, ground floor OPD.

  •    The decision to admit a patient rests with the treating doctor. The patient will be admitted only if a vacant bed is available. But, in case of emergency, out of turn
  •   admission may be done

  •    Wheel chairs, patient trolleys etc. are available free of charge at the entrance of OPD&casualty

  •    OPDs have waiting hall with chairs, STD booth, ramp for Ortho OPD, public utilities

  •    like drinking water & toilets etc. at each floor

  •    You should park your vehicle in the paid parking only otherwise it is likely to be towed away

  •    To meet day-to-day needs of patients, there is canteen and grocery shop outside the hospital premises; medical stores, book shops, general store and STD booths in the
  •    subway nearby

    Pharmacy:- Drug distribution counter is located beside the indoor registration counterfor Distribution of Essential& generic drugs form to free of cost by pharmacist.      Pensioners can avail the medicine from separate pharmacy at free of cost.

  • Patients admitted in General Ward of GMC RAIGARH have to deposit bed charges in advance of 2 days at the rates approved by Government time to time. This entitles them for doctor consultations, certain basic investigations, lifesaving medicines and surgical items, diet, linen, I.V. fluids etc

  • For allotment in Private Wards, after recommendation by the treating doctor, patient should contact the Medical Superintendent Office. A waiting list is maintained and the private room is allotted as per the waiting list

  • Private ward patients are charged additionally for specific investigations, procedures, operations etc

  • All in-patients receive treatment by team of Resident Doctors and Nurses, available round the clock, under the supervision and guidance of Faculty Members of KGH Raigarh

  • Hospital Attendants are available in different wards to help in patient care and related activities

  • All the wards are equipped with modern gadgets & equipments e.g. ventilators, monitors, defibrillators, nebulisers; O2& suction supply etc. to provide top quality medical care

  • Indoor services have air conditioning, toilets, portable X-ray machines, ECG services , Generator& Solar backup, emergency lights, internal telephone, chairs for attendants etc

  • Waste disposal is done as per the established rules (Biomedical waste management and handling rules, 1998) and utmost care is taken to keep the premises neat and clean

  • Every inpatient is provided with two attendant passes

  • Visitors are allowed only during notified visiting hours i.e. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m

  • Special Investigations like USG, CT, etc. are changed as per the rates approved by Government and revised from time to time

  • For very poor patients, on recommendation of treating Doctor, the hospital charges may be waived off by Med. Supdt./ his nominee and costly drugs/surgical items may be provided by the hospital

  • Financial assistance is also available through Mukhya Mantri Sahatyakosh,Mukhya Mantri BalHriday Yogna,BalSrawan Yogna, SanjeevniKosh ,RSBY, Janani Surashka Yojna for obstetric patient. You may contact Medical Social Service Dept. & Welfare Officer in this regard

  • Bed linen is changed at the time of admission, thereafter on every alternate day and also whenever required

  • Food is served two times a day. Also, Breakfast is provided in the morning

  • Facilities provided in private ward - Each room has - attached toilets & bath room, bed for attendant,

  • Destitute unattended patients are provided with attendants from hospital, drugs & surgical items are provided from hospital and all hospital charges are waived. Medical Social Service Officers help in location and calling the relatives/family members of unattended/unknown patients Destitute patients are relocated to some destitute home after discharge from hospital

  • Day care facility is available for certain types of operations. e.g. day care chemotherapy;blood transfusion, dialysis, and similar interventions

  • Operation Theratres
  •   o The institute has fully equipped modern Operation Theatres, where all kinds of major and minor surgeries are performed using the standard techniques and technology

      o For routine surgeries, the respective departments maintain waiting list. Patients are called and operated upon as per the waiting list. But, in case of emergencies/urgencies, the out of turn surgeries are also performed, at the discretion at the treating doctors.

      o The patient should get his Pre-Anaesthetic check-up done in PAC Room on OPD Block during OPD Hours before getting admitted for operation and follow the instructions given by the treating Doctors.

  • ICUs The hospital has 20 Bedded equipped ICU at Ground Floor
  • Laboratory Services
  •   o Emergency Lab - 24 hours, throughout the year, for all emergency investigations.

      o Routine Lab - Sample Collection Timings:- Weeks Days - 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

  • Presently routine and special investigations incl. haematological , Biochemical, microbiological, pathology, cytology & Histopathology studies are done at GMC RAIGARH

  • Blood Bank:-GMC RAIGARH has a licensed modern, state of the art Blood Bank that functions 24 hours a day and provides facilities for blood donation, storage, issue of blood. Strict precautions are taken and testing is done to prevent any borne infection. If your patient requires blood transfusions, then you are requested to arrange healthy blood donors for donating blood in order to reduce shortage of blood.

  • Miscellaneous Facilities
  • Ambulance facility is available to transfer patients to other hospitals or meet any exigency/disaster situation.
  • If required, patients' attendants may stay inHaryana Dharamshalaafter paying the prevailing chargessituated near the Hospital .
  • Free Ambulance are operated for transporting Dead Body to their Residence.

  • There will be occasions when our services will not be up to your expectations.

  • Please do not hesitate to register your complaints. It will only help as serve you better.

  • You may lodge your complaints to the Duty Officer in Control Room. Every complaint will be duly acknowledged and sincere attempt will be made to solve your problem.

  • The success of this charter depends on the support we receive from our users.

  • Please try to appreciate the various constraints under which the hospital is functioning. On an average, 600 patients attend the OPD daily & more than 150 patients visit Casualty daily.

  • Please follow the rules and regulations of the hospital while inside the hospital campus.

  • Please do not cause inconvenience to other patients by crowding or making noise unnecessarily.

  • Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean.

  • Please don't argue with security guards, show your passes when asked for & help maintain the order and peace inside the hospital premises.

  • Please use the facilities of this hospital with care and do not damage/ spoil hospital property.

  • Beware of Touts & unauthorized persons. Don't indulge in any money transactions with them.

  • The Hospital is a No Smoking & No Drinking Zone.

  • Please refrain from demanding under favours from the staff and officials.

  • Please provide useful feedback and constructive suggestions. These may be addressed to the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital.