Physiology is the basis of medicine. Physiology is the branch of the biological sciences that deals with the life-supporting functions and processes of living organisms or their parts. The study of physiology is, in a sense, the study of life which aims to understand how living things work, which can then aid the treatment of diseases.Study roots of Physiology ranges from molecular – cellular – organ - whole-organism level. The teaching of Physiology includesa range of topics that include organs, Physiologicalanatomy, cells, biological compounds, and how they all interact to make life possible
At the end of the course student shall be able to
At the end of the course student shall be able to
At the end of the course the student shall be able to acquire an integrated knowledge of organ, structure, function and its regulatory mechanism and apply the knowledge in understanding of disease and its treatment
Details of facilities to carry out theory and practical classes for UG students
Sno. |
Faculty |
Designation |
Contact Details |
1 |
Dr. Arghya Sur |
Professor | |
2 |
Dr. A. Vijaya Lakhshmi |
Professor | |
3 |
Dr. Mitesh Sinha |
Associate Professor | |
4 |
Dr. Hemlata Gupta |
Assistant Professorr | |
5 |
Dr. Hari Mohan Prasad Sinha |
Assistant Professorr | |
6 |
Manish Kumar Soni |
Demonstration | |
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in physiologyaims at providing the student comprehensive knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the body to facilitate an understanding of the physiological basis of health and diseases.
At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
At the end of the integrated teaching the student shall acquire an integrated knowledge of organ structure and function and its regulatory mechanisms
List of topics.
Must know.
- Introduction to Physiology - Branches of Physiology
- Functional organization of human body. - External and internal environment
- Homeostasis, Biofeedback mechanisms Cell Physiology:
- Transport across cell membrane.
Must know
Leukocytes: differences between R.B.C. & W.B.C., types of W.B.C.s normal count & differential W.B.C. count, physiological variations,
Properties, functions of W.B.C.s,
Granulopoiesis – stages, regulation,
Pathological variations in total & differential W.B.C. count.
Primary & secondary response, basis of vaccination.
ABO system – type A & B antigen, ABO system & inheritance, relation to transfusion, cross matching major & minor.
Rh System – inheritance, Rh incompatibility & blood transfusion, Erythroblastosisfoetalis.
blood clotting, intrinsic & extrinsic pathways & difference between two pathways, role of calcium in coagulation, role of vitamin K, fate of clot. Anticoagulants – commonly used & their mechanism of actions, blood coagulation tests – bleeding time, clotting time.
- Body fluid compartments: role of water in body & its distributions, different body fluid compartments & composition of their fluid.
Desirable to know
Nice to know
C) NERVE (5 hours)
Must know:
Phases – depolarization, repolarization, ionic basis of depolarization &
Production & propagation of A.P.,
Properties of A.P. and its significance.
Desirable to know:
D) MUSCLE (7 hours)
Must know.
Electron microscopic structure, muscle proteins – contractile, regulatory,
structural & enzymatic.
Sarcoplasmic tubular system: concept of sarcoplasmic triads & their
Neuromuscular transmission: Physiologic anatomy, events, N-M blocking & its clinical significance, applied aspect – myasthenia gravis
Oxygen debt: definition, types (lactic, alactic), incurring of debt, repaying
the debt, significance.
Desirable to know
Nice to know
- E.M.G. details.
Must know:
Inspiratory & expiratory muscles, intraplural pressure, lung & thoracic compliance, factors affecting compliance, work of breathing, surface tension forces & role of surfactant, airway resistance, and elastic resistance.
Maximum breathing capacity & breathing reserve.
Diffusion of Gases:
- Exchange of respiratory gases at alveolar – capillary membrane, factors
Affecting diffusion.
Gas Transport:
Control of Breathing:
Neural control – higher centers, reflexes.
Chemical control – central & peripheral chemoreceptors role of CO2, O2, H+
Pulmonary Circulation
Hypoxia: types & high altitude hypoxia
Desirable to know.
Nice to know
Must know:
Blood pressure:
Normal levels, measurement, determinants, short term & long term
Regulation - details.
Desirable to know:
Nice to know
Must know:
- Formation of urine:
Desirable to know:
- Experimental studies for renal functions.
Nice to know
- Disorders of micturition.
Must know:
- Homeothermia – Balance between heat gain & heat loss. - Regulation of body temperature,
Desirable to know:
- Hyperthermia, Hypothermia.
Must know:
Salivary secretion:
- General principles & basic mechanisms of secretion composition, and
Functions of saliva, mechanism & regulation of salivary secretion.
Mastication and deglutition:
Gastric juice, cellular mechanism of gastric secretion of acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor, other enzymes, phases of gastric secretion, regulation of gastric secretion.
- Gastric Motility:
Electrical activity of stomach, pylorus, emptying of the stomach-pyloric pump, regulation & factors promoting & inhibiting emptying.
Pancreatic secretion:
Microscopic structure, functions of liver, composition of bile, cellular mechanism of bile formation, enterohepatic circulation of bile salts, control of secretion, concentration & storage of bile in gall bladder. filling & evacuation of gall bladder functions of gall bladder
Structure & innervation electrical activity of smooth muscle, resting membrane potential, slow waves, spike potentials, rhythmic segmenting contractions, peristalsis, control – neural & hormonal, functions of ileocecal valve.
Its control
- G.I. hormones: in brief.
Digestion & absorption:
Digestion & absorption of - carbohydrate,
Absorption of water, electrolytes and vitamins.
Desirable to know:
Nice to know
Must know:
- Concept of balanced diet
- Factors affecting caloric requirements
- Requirements of various nutrients, sources, daily needs.
- Nutrition under special conditions – pregnancy, lactation, growing child.
Must know:
Functions, regulation, disorders.
Posterior pituitary hormones, ADH, Oxytocin. Functions, regulation, disorders.
Hormone: synthesis, fate, functions, regulation, disorders.
- Parathyroid:
Hormone: synthesis, functions, regulation, disorders – tetany.
Hormone: secretion, functions, regulation, disorders
Secretion, functions, regulation, disorders.
Desirable to know:
- Radioimmunoassay.
Nice to know
- Experimental studies.
Must know:
Spermatogenesis: stages & regulation
Semen analysis.
Desirable to know:
Nice to know
- Precocious & delayed puberty.
Must know:
- Eye:
Functional anatomy of eye, optics, microscopic structure of retina with retinal circuits, image formation,
Photochemistry of vision (photopic & scotopic vision, dark & light adoption),
Pupillary reflexes, Accommodation reaction, Errors of refraction and their correction, Colour vision – physiological & neural basis, accepted theory
of colour vision, classifications, basis of colour blindness and tests of colour blindness, significance.
Visual pathway – processing of information at different levels in visual pathway, organisation of visual cortex. Effects of lesion at different levels in visual pathway,
Movements of eyeballs: functions & control.
Physics of sound, decibel system, Functions of external ear,
Functional anatomy of middle ear, functions of middle ear in detail, assessment of functions of middle ear, Functional anatomy of cochlea, functions of inner ear, place principle, theories of hearing.
Auditory pathway & important features, auditory cortex (role in hearing & speech development)
- Taste:
Functional anatomy of taste buds, different taste modalities, pathway, factors affecting taste sensation,
- Smell:
Functional anatomy of receptors, primary olfactory sensations, pathway, factors affecting smell sensation,
Desirable to know:
Nice to know
Must know
Synapse: definition, physiological anatomy, sequence of events of synaptic
transmission, properties, (state the property & its significance), significance of synaptic transmission, applied aspect.
Neurotransmitters – in brief.
Receptors: definition, classification (basis of each classification with example), properties (state each property with underlying mechanism & significance), significance (homeostasis, conscious awareness of environment, tone posture, protection).
Sensations: different modalities, classification with examples and significance
- Sensation of touch, pain proprioception: details of each
Reflexes: definition, classification (basis of classification with example), reflex arc & its components, properties (state each property with basis & importance)
Stretch reflex – definition, muscle spindle (details with innervation, role of gamma motor neurons) role of supra spinal control – in brief, functions of stretch reflex ( regulation of muscle tone) inverse stretch reflex.
Polysynaptic reflexes: withdrawal reflex.
Ascending & descending tracts: details of each tract – (situation & extent in spinal cord, origin, course & termination, collaterals, somatotopic arrangement, functions, applied aspect, tests)
Ascending tracts: Basic plan of somato sensory pathway for conscious Sensation, pathway from head, face region.
Descending tracts: pyramidal tracts – details. extra pyramidal tracts, differences between UMN & LMN lesions.
Complete – 3 stages – spinal shock, stage of recovery, and stage of reflex failure – details of each stage.
Incomplete. Transection Hemisection
Definition, classification of postural reflexes.
(Details of each reflex and its function.)
regulation of posture (integrating centers at various levels of CNS) vestibular apparatus : Physiologic anatomy, mode of function of utricle & saccule and semicircular canals, vestibulo occular & vestibulo spinal reflexes
4) Thalamus:
Functional classification of Thalamic nuclei, with connections of different nuclear groups, functions of thalamus, thalamic syndrome.
5) Hypothalamus:
Functional classification of different hypothalamic nuclei, connections in brief, functions in details.
6) Limbic system:
Parts of limbic system, connections in brief, functions. 7) Reticular formation:
Introduction, anatomy in brief, functional divisions.
(A) Ascending reticular activating system – details with connections & role in sleep wakeful cycle, applied aspect
Definition, different waves, characteristics & functional significance of each wave, physiological variation, clinical application in brief.
9) Sleep &Wakefulness:
Concept of alertness & wakefulness with their physiological basis, Definition of sleep, stages of sleep correlated with EEG, sleep cycle – types of sleep, salient features of NREM & REM sleep, physiological effects of sleep on different systems of the body, Neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep, functions of sleep.
Introduction, functional classification, intracortical circuit, deep cerebellar nuclei, connections of different lobes, functions of cerebellum, cerebellar function tests, effects of lesion in brief.
Introduction, classification of nuclei, connections, intracortical circuits,
Functions, lesions - Parkinsonism. 12) Cerebral Cortex:
Gross anatomy & divisions, concept of Broadmann’s mapping with diagram, Parietal lobe – anatomical & functional divisions, details of each functional part as regards connections, topographic organisation, and functions. Frontal lobe – excitomotor cortex – anatomical & functional parts, details of each part as regards connections, topographic organisation, functions.
Prefrontal Cortex – different areas, connections in brief, functions, effects of lobectomy.
Afferent and efferent mechanisms and role of cortical centers in speech, concept of cerebral dominance, development of speech, vocalization.
14) Memory:
Definition, stages, types, physiological basis, factors affecting, applied – amnesias in brief.
15) Learning:
Definition, types with examples, stages, factors influencing, role of motivation (positive & negative reinforcement, reward & punishment), physiological basis – role of different parts of CNS, structural, biochemical changes.
16) Conditioned reflexes:
Definition, difference between unconditioned & conditioned reflexes, development of conditioned reflexes, properties, significance.
17) Autonomic nervous system:
Organization and functions of Parasympathetic & Sympathetic and their control.
Introduction, composition, normal CSF pressure, formation & circulation, functions, applied aspect – brief, blood brain barrier, blood CSF barrier.
19) “Physiology of Brain Death & changes after that” (This topic included vide Academic Council Resolution No. 303/2008 dated 29/07/2008)
Desirable to know:
General nervous system:
Neurotransmitters – details, susceptibility of synapse to hypoxia drugs etc., Mechanisms of referred pain, differences between superficial & deep pain, central analgesia system, supraspinal control of stretch reflex – details.
Thalamus - applied aspects – effects of lesions. Hypothalamus - applied aspects – effects of lesions Reticular formation – effects of lesion
EEG – Method of recording, abnormal patterns. Basal Ganglia – lesions, involuntary movements.
Cerebellum – Embryology, evolution, effects of stimulation & ablation. Cerebral cortex – effects of stimulation & ablation in different regions. Speech – aphasias.
Nice to know
Experimental studies – effects of stimulation & ablation.
Sleep, wakefulness – effects of sleep deprivation, disorders.
Books recommended: |
1) Textbooks of Physiology : |
Guyton |
- |
Textbook of Physiology |
Ganong |
- |
Review of Medical Physiology |
2) Reference Books : |
Best and Taylor |
- |
Physiological basis of medical practice |
Berne & levy. |
- |
Principles of Physiology |
Dr. V.G. Ranade |
- |
Laboratory Manual and Journal of Physiology |
Practicals |
Practicals Undergraduate
o Experimental Physiology:
1. Introducing use of various instruments in the laboratory
2. Types of circuits. Use of stimulator, pithing, smoking, varnishing
3. Muscle nerve preparation. Dissection and recording of Simple muscle twitch
4. Effects of Temperature
5. Effect of free and after load.
6. Effect of strength of stimulus
7. Study of two successive stimuli
8. Effect of frequent stimuli
9. Demonstration of phenomena of fatigue
10. Study of conduction velocity of nerve
11. Normal cardiogram and Effect of temperature
12. Study of properties of cardiac muscle
13. Effect of Stannius ligature I & II, heart-block (stannius ligatures).
14. Effect of simulation of vagus and crescent on cardiac contraction.
15. Study of effect of drug and identification of same
16. Perfusion of amphibian heart and
17. Effect of ions and drugs of physiological importance.
18. Decerebrate and spinal frog.
Mammalian Experiments.
17. Determination of blood volume in experimental animals.SNo. |
Name |
Designation |
01. |
Mr. Kaushal Prasad Sameer |
Technicianst |
02. |
Miss. Panparmeshwari Dewdas |
Store Keeper-cum-Clerk |
03. |
Miss Kaushlya Patre |
Lab Technician |
04. |
Mr.Reshamlal Sidar |
Laboratory Attendance |
05. |
Miss. Dhaneshwari Singh |
Steno-typist |
06. |
Mr.Pintu Kumar Gupta |
Any other category(Peon) |